[Interview] Taking a LEAP OF FAITH into entrepreneurship w/ Becca Peachey

What would need to happen for you to take the LEAP OF FAITH into entrepreneurship? Tune in to hear just what nudged Marine Corps veteran and college dropout, Becca Peachey, to ditch her W2 job and become a full time entrepreneur. Becca is sharing all the ins and outs of her journey to financial freedom through real estate investing, like how she transitioned from an engineer to a real estate investor, highlighting how house hacking her first property in Oceanside, California, helped her achieve financial freedom.

Becca's dedication to continuously work on herself has been crucial to her continued growth in all areas. Throughout this convo, Becca talks about changing her mindset, attracting abundance, and practical tips for managing properties and dealing with tenant drama. Becca's journey showcases the potential of real estate investing in expensive markets like California and how pivoting strategies can enhance property cash flow.

Ali Hicks-Wright

Ali is an entrepreneur, designer, strategist and marketer who loves to turn ideas into beautiful, everlasting brands. Ali is a mountain dweller, beach vacationer, dog lover, and green chile enthusiast. 


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